Unlock your creative writing powers by taking The Fool's Journey!

Ever feel blocked or full of doubt about your writing? Would you like to have confidence in your creative abilities and learn about the mystical world of tarot in one?

Take a walk with The Fool and meet all twenty-two archetypes of the major arcana that live inside you!

This course will give you the tools you need to trust yourself and appreciate the uniqueness of your creativity and your processes.

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The twenty-two major arcana, or trump cards, of the tarot offer fantastic insights into our creative processes and who we are as people. By understanding these cards and how they relate to your life and your creativity you will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities as a writer.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is perfect for anyone wanting to build confidence and get those creative juices flowing.

Whether you are just starting out writing or further along in your creative writing journey you can benefit! The course focusses on accessing your creativity and examining your own blocks and processes, like a deep dive into your psyche.

If you want to get to expand on your creative power, this course is for you.

What You Will Learn:

  • What each of the cards means
  • How they relate to creative writing
  • How you can use the energy of the cards to help you reach your writing potential

By the end of the course you will be armed with a toolkit of ideas and activities to help nurture your creative energies.

The Writing Tasks:

Each card comes with a short writing task. These are designed to be reflective or creative in nature, allowing you either to delve into the deepest parts of yourself, or to simply enjoy being creative. Or both!

How Long Is This Course?

You will have access to the course for six months and you can work through the twenty-two lessons at your own pace.

You could read it right through and do the tasks after, or take your time on each card to think about how this relates to your writing journey so far, and how it could help you progress in the future.

Do I Need To Know About Tarot?

Not at all! Each session delves into the meanings of the cards so you need no prior knowledge of tarot.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch here. I would love to hear about your writing journey, and if you have any questions, just ask! 


“A fun, fresh look at writing through the journey of tarot that not only makes you see your writing in a different light, but grounds your knowledge of the main cards too. A fantastic combination.”

Katie, Yorkshire

“This is a perfect course to re-awaken your creativity or to gain a fresh perspective on writing. Having had a break from my writing, this was a great way to ease myself back in and I found the connection to tarot fascinating. This would be great for those wanting to explore creative writing for the first time too.”

Anna, Merseyside

Course Overview

Write with Tarot: The Fool's Journey at a glance

  • + Fully online course

    Available anytime, anywhere, to fit around your life.

  • + Twenty-Two lessons

    Each lesson considers the major arcana cards as a part of the creative self. They come with an explanation of the card and a writing task. You can work through these at your own pace.

  • + 365 days access

    No need to rush through the lessons as you'll have access for a year. Revisit the course as often as you need to. Every time will reveal something new about yourself and your creativity.

Jennifer Kennedy

Jennifer Kennedy is a tarot reader, writer, and teacher from the North West of England. She combined all these skills to begin Write with Tarot when she discovered the power of using tarot to develop creative writing. She has been published in numerous online magazines and anthologies, and is currently prepping her debut gothic novel for publication.